Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

CDI is the heart of motor engines of us, if it breaks bad, the original cost hundreds of dollars, even millions. If imitation difficult to use tools that somewhat complicated ngatur langsamnya same suit, must diakalin first. So be aware of the CDI.Kerusakan on CDI nih can not be seen with the naked eye, must be measured pake Avometer.


1. Avometer Set on 200-volt sine.
2. Avometer red wire connected to a cable leading CDI coils.
3. Avometer black wires connected to the mass / bodi.
4. Light motor / starter motor with the kick starter, and then look at whether there is current avometer / stun that comes out or not?
5. If there is no corrupted then the CDI, with a record of current / stun from the bobbin and pulser are flowing into the CDI. So check first before these currents, the same way as above, only the red wire connected to a cable bobbin avometer that led to the CDI.
6. If no avometer, just try a cable from CDI to coils in the motor connected to body iron, hold starter. If there was a spark could mean CDI still using that, if no spark means CDI is damaged, with record flows / stun from the bobbin and pulser are flowing into the CDI.
OK, hopefully this article useful.

Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Every motorist will want to mount a well-maintained, and fuel economy as 4 stroke motorcycles. For those who use motorcycles as an operational vehicle, the vehicle would certainly expect a long life. For the bikers, a general term for the riders, treat the condition of the engine and motor attributes are mandatory. "After the motor reaches maximum mileage 3000 km, the engine oil must be replaced," Well, there are various kinds of care and maintenance you should do regularly, such as:

1. Check the spark plugs Motorcycles
Vital spark plug for engine smoothness, "Check the spark plugs, if still feasible to use, can be reused. But when it reached 12 thousand kilometers, the spark plugs should be replaced, "Notice also state that the cable connecting the coil electric current to the spark plugs, if old enough, look no crack and hardening in the cable, should be replaced immediately.

2. Check Filters Carburetor
Carburetor filters divided between the types of wet and dry. Model wet filter, cleaned by using gasoline and oil lubricated thereafter. "Generally, the motor output in 1990-2000's, using wet filter model like this," he added.
Motor output in 2000 was over, usually uses a dry type. Maintenance mode is quite straightforward, namely residence was sprayed with a compressor. "But this model also has a weakness, that there shall be substituted each reached 25 thousand kilometers and should not be exposed to grease or oil," oil filter must be considered, "Motor 90s do not use oil filters, but for the type of motorcycle in 2000 to top , used oil filters and shall be replaced approximately every 10 thousand miles. "

3. Check Chain and Gir Suits
Do not let the chain is too loose or too tight, "If the chain slack, just adjusting. But if dry, simply smeared with a special oil chain (chain lube). Usually, the chain should be replaced when it reaches 25 thousand to 35 thousand kilometers. "Type motor Special Matic using V / Belt, the chain can not be adjusted and must be replaced every 25 thousand miles. When the chain and the gear was in order, all the check front and rear brake, replace if already looks thinner.

4. Carburetor Cleaning
Clean the pilot and main jet motors. To set the type manually wind the motor (made in the year 1990 until the 2000s), cover bolts and open air setting slowly counterclockwise, a maximum of 1 / 2 laps. For the type of vacuum, ie the motor output in 2000 to above, as well as that by cleaning the pilot and main jet. "The difference is only disetelan wind, for this type, a maximum of 2 ½ spins counterclockwise," he explained. For adjustment valve 4 stroke motors, are each 12 thousand to 18 thousand kilometers.

5th. Check Battery Condition
Motors made in the year 2000 upwards, generally have been using dry battery types which do not require any special treatment (non-maintenance). "But every three years, maximum, should be replaced," "The motors that use batteries wet, needs to check every 10 thousand miles. When the dry battery water, quickly filled, "he continued. The characteristics of wet batteries is already weak conditions, the starter motor can not afford. Deny not suggesting to turn the motor force in the push manner, as this may damage the transmission gear.

6. Heat Machine Motor
Heat a motor engine before running, do not have to stay long, just 1-2 minutes. Function, so that the circulation of the oil can lubricate all moving parts in the machine. "No need for long heating, because it will make the exhaust pipe yellow."

7. Use Sparepart (Spare Parts) Original
Although the original parts are slightly more expensive, but you will feel satisfied because it is more durable and quality is guaranteed in a false appeal. Besides some of the above, also reminded the bikers to always check your tire pressure. The pressure is not too hard and not less, because it can lead to development of motor tires become corrupted. "Nursing on the fact you can do yourself, but if you do not have the time or less understand how, look for the garage or a subscription service where you can trust. If you are friendly and diligent care of the vehicle, then your favorite motorcycle will always appear prima.